Measure to manage
Analyzes and quality control of materialsCivil engineering survey
Quality of civil engineering construction materials of critical importance
The quality of the construction materials used is ultimately of critical importance to the success of a project. We carry out the necessary trials and analyses in our laboratory to inform you about the civil engineering quality of the materials utilized or released. Samples are collected by ourselves or are delivered to our lab by the client. Furthermore, CEGE Caribbean carries out various tests and measurements on location. We can also carry out an acoustic or vibration assessment for you in order to assess nuisance arising as a result of noise or vibrations.
The civil engineering department specializes in:
- Quality control on concrete, foundation materials and asphalt
- Development of concrete mixtures (NEN, ASTM) including the creation of trial mixtures
- Feasibility study on raw materials for concrete, asphalt and construction materials
- Asphalt study on tar content in accordance with CROW 210
- In-situ testing (including plate load test, nuclear soil density testing, C.B.R. in-situ)
- Laboratory trials (including sieving, Proctor test, C.B.R. ex-situ)
- Chemical analyses (humus, chloride, sulphate, sulphide, sulphur etc)
- Surveying and monitoring activities
- Design of above and below ground infrastructure, including the design of RAW-specifications
- Technical support for the completion of civil engineering works
- Noise assessment
- Vibration assessment
Do you require a quotation or more information?
Please contact without obligation Mr R. Martina.