Legionella testing
Legionella testing of drinking water installation
Implementation of risk analysis
For both priority authorities which have a statutory obligation (care institutions, AWBZ properties, hotels, campsites, swimming pools and so on) and locations which have a duty of care (office premises, sports centers etc), CEGE Caribbean can carry out a risk analysis. These risk analyses comply with legislation and regulations in every respect. We assess the installation against applicable ISO standards in respect of legionella, the water pipeline act section IIIC, NEN1006 and the water worksheets.
Design of management plan
A management plan follows on from the risk analysis. This applies to both high and low risk locations. The management plan outlines the measures which must be taken to limit the likelihood of legionella. If technical modifications are required, these are clearly outlined for the installer. The basic information is in the logbook, so employees on site can get to work on them immediately. In the management plan you will receive as standard a digital report, the logbook, legislation and a report form. If you opt for the online building folder, you will receive this information directly via this route. Should you wish, we can provide qualified personnel to implement the management measures for you.
Taking water samples
As a result of the risk analysis we advise you which are the best tapping points from which to take water samples for legionella testing. We include these tapping points in the logbook so that there can be no uncertainty about this. CEGE makes use of a certified laboratory for the collection and testing of water samples. We can also sample various other materials, test them against a wide range of parameters and assess them against legal standards.
Guidance in the event of contamination
If it is evident from the water samples that an installation is contaminated with legionella, the contamination expert advises you on how to resolve the problem. Should you require, he will visit the location to discuss the situation and set up an action plan in consultation with you. As a temporary solution, legionella-safe shower heads can be supplied. Once this shower head has been installed the shower concerned can be used as normal until the contamination is finally removed.
Source testing
Contamination of a piping installation often has a traceable source. A source test however goes much further than a risk inventory and zooms in on the contaminated part of the installation. The management plan logbook provides useful information for this.
If this is necessary, we disinfect the installation in accordance with the most recent thermal or chemical techniques. taking into account your operational processes and working hours in doing so.
Management measures
The management plan results in management measures. These measures are often labour-intensive. They must be implemented regularly and consistently and laid down to avoid a breach of the water pipeline act. The high risk of contamination of the installation is largely prevented in this way. CEGE Caribbean offers an attractive subscription form for companies and organizations which are governed by these obligations. You also have the guarantee that deviations measured are identified and reported immediately so that adequate action can be taken.
All of the requirements included in the management plan form part of the management measures covered by such a subscription. These might include temperature measurements, the rinsing of tapping points, the inspection of fire hose reels and the recording of the stated parameters in the logbook. If required you can also subcontract the inspection of check valves and temperature meters and the removal of sediment to CEGE.
Annual audit
If your employees carry out the management of the drinking water installation themselves, an annual audit is very worthwhile. This is certainly the case in order to be able to establish whether the required action points have been carried out satisfactorily and if they have had the desired effect . During such an audit CEGE Caribbean checks the risk analysis, the management plan and above all the management tasks carried out. Based on the data collected our expert updates the management plan, so that you are always assured of the necessary management. He also checks that the technical modifications have been carried out correctly.
Online building folder
Via the online building folder you have 24 hour access to the management plan, the logbook, the digital designs, the results of water samples and so on. The employee responsible for the building folder receives an automatic reminder message for the work tasks to be completed. Once these have been completed he reports this in the system. The management can inspect the progress for all locations with one login. If required, CEGE also acts as a back-up by also supervising outstanding actions. The online building folder can be expanded to include all building-related maintenance tasks such as fire safety, lift maintenance and cleaning.
Automatic digital temperature metering
Regular metering of water temperature at the points indicated in the management plan is essential for the correct monitoring of a drinking water installation. If the metering points are not easily accessible due to inlet valves, section rings and so on, the installation of a metering sensor is a good solution. The metered data is transferred automatically from the sensor to our server and is visible in the online building folder. Once you have set the alarm values, you will automatically receive an alarm if the measurement exceeds those values. In most cases you will recoup the cost of the installation of the sensor within a year. The data is saved so that you can demonstrate your compliance with your obligations.
Check valve inspection
Since 1 January 2007 all appliance safety devices and check valves are required to be inspected annually. We check them quickly and easily using a specially developed tester that can check inaccessible or difficult to reach valves using the over-pressure method. You receive a statement of the check valves tested and the test results. Every check valve tested is given an approval sticker.
Advice on preventive techniques
Situations may arise in which the use of preventive techniques is desirable. Amongst other things these consist of periodic automatic thermal disinfection such as rinsing systems, physical techniques such as Ultrafiltration and UV-techniques in which the chemical composition of the water does not change. We also make use of water additives which are particularly effective in (drinking) water storage and are used a lot in the offshore and maritime sector. In consultation with you, our advisor compiles an action plan, suitable to your preferences, the situation and the available techniques.
Installation designs
For new construction projects it is advisable to allow the advisor to assess the designs for legionella management during the specification phase. This prevents invasive (and expensive) modifications at a later stage and makes management easier. If no situation designs are available for an existing installation, CEGE can adopt and create these for you.
Training on location
Personnel who are well-trained in terms of legionella is vital and it reduces your chance of disasters. Our trainers inform your employees about the growth conditions and dangers of Legionella and provide detailed explanations of your management plan and its implementation in daily practice. If you wish, we carry out a practical exercise at your location.