Curoil N.V., 2017Occasion:
Environmental permit conditionsIsland:
BonaireEnvironmental soil survey Curoil depot Hato (Bonaire)
The soil survey was carried out in response to and in accordance with the conditions set out in the company Environmental permit. The objective of the survey was to gain insight into the soil quality on the site, both of potentially suspect terrain and the overall environmental hygiene soil quality. The location is situated on the first limestone terrace. The soil structure at the site consists of a top layer of diabase clay with limestone rock below. To reach a depth up to 2.5 m – ground level a mechanical drill has been deployed (auger drill). The research showed, among other things, that the diabase soil, as expected, contains elevated levels of heavy metals. Such heavy metal contents are often found in soils of volcanic origin on Leeward Islands and should be related to natural background concentrations. These concentrations can not therefore be compared directly with existing Dutch Environmental soil quality standards.
The soil survey was carried out in accordance with the Dutch fieldwork protocols in collaboration with our parent company BK Ingenieurs. The chemical analyzes were performed in accredited ALcontrol laboratories.