Ministry of Health, Environment & Nature, 2017Occasion:
calamity (oil spill)Island:
Curaçao and Klein CuraçaoPollution risk assessment Curaçao and Klein Curaçao coast
The survey is conducted in response to the observation of oil residues washed up on the north coast of Curaçao and Klein Curaçao, most likely from an oil leakage at Trinidad Oil Refinery. The work was carried out in close cooperation with the other government organizations involved, namely: the Ministry of Traffic, Transportation & Spatial Planning (VVRP), Maritime Authority Curaçao (MAC) and RAC-REMPEITC Caribe.
The activities of CEGE consisted of sampling of the oil residues, sand and seawater at the defined coastal locations; sample coordination and preparation for the samples transport from Curaçao to the Netherlands, Trinidad and Venezuela; report on the performed activities. The sampling was carried out based on the Rijkswaterstaat protocol: “Guidelines for the Exchange of Oil Samples / Results between countries, and on Oil Spill Identification”, Volume 3, Chapter 32, Oil Spill Identification.
Based on the research carried out, the human and environmental risks resulting from the oil pollution were estimated. Recommendations have been made regarding follow-up research, monitoring and remediation methods.