Netherlands Airport Consultants B.V., 2013Occasion:
Reconstruction worksIsland:
Bonaire, Saba, Saint EustatiusGeotechnical and surface survey at BES islands airports
This large-scale multidisciplinary project was carried out on three airports in the BES islands as a result of proposed civil engineering works.
Work carried out:
- Drilling of core samples in the existing concrete and asphalt surfaces then sealed with concrete
- Performing geotechnical field tests: Standard Penetration Test (SPT)
- Land survey
Implementation of various in-situ and laboratory analyses and tests, including:
- Determine thickness of asphalt layers (construction composition) in accordance with ASTM D 3549
- Proctor test in accordance with D 1557
- Crushing factor
- California Bearing Ratio (CBR) dry and soaked tests in accordance with ASTM D1883-07
- Description and classification of bored-out materials
- Dynamic Cone Penetration (DCP) tests in accordance with ASTM D6951/D6951M-09
- Determine compressive strength of concrete in accordance with NEN-EN 12504-1
- Point Load tests in accordance with ASTM D5731-08
- Uniaxial Compressive Strength in accordance with ASTM D7012
- Moisture content in accordance with ASTM D2216