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9 Mar2017
Completion quality control works project Wind farm Tera Kora II
In August 2016 CEGE has started enthusiastically on the expansion site of the existing wind farm at Tera Kora, Curaçao. Commissioned by NuCuraçao Windparken we provided a…
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2 Nov2016
Extensive asbestos inventory at the Curaçao Drydock
With great pleasure and enthusiasm CEGE has taken up a new challenge: an asbestos survey on the extensive grounds of the Curaçao Drydock Company in Willemstad. The…
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4 Oct2016
Environmental soil and groundwater survey at Asphalt Lake, Curaçao
Commissioned by the government organization Buskabaai N.V. CEGE Caribbean has launched an indicative environmental soil research at the site of the Asphalt Lake. Unlike the natural Pitch…
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20 Sep2016
Quick action by CEGE on risk assessment fire Sentro Pro Arte
In the evening of Monday, September 12th a fierce fire broke out in the abandoned building of Sentro Pro Arte on Curacao. Thanks to previous inventories in…
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20 Jul2016
The first asbestos lab in the Caribbean is a fact
Because of its relatively low cost and useful properties, asbestos was commonly used in the past all over the world. In particular the fireproofing and insulating properties…
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20 Jul2016
The new website is in the air!
In August 2016 CEGE Caribbean B.V. (CEGE) launches a new website. We are aware of the fact that technological developments and social media play an important role…
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20 Jun2016
Important role CEGE by expanding Windfarm Tera Kora
In August 2016 Wind farms NuCuraçao II B.V. began the expansion of the wind farm Tera Kora with five new wind turbines with a total capacity of…
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